Description of Claims Management
The philosophy of the TOIRMA Program is to pay legitimate claims as fairly and as promptly as possible. TOIRMA is a self-funded pool and each member must be concerned about claim procedures. Proper claim control begins with prompt reporting of all claims. Claims that are reported promptly will allow claim personnel to make early contact and obtain all of the necessary information for good claim management.
Since TOIRMA is a self-funded pool for townships with immunities from liability claims available to members, it is the intention of the Board of Trustees to utilize these tort immunities for good claim management whenever possible.
To report a claim, click here or call our new 24 hours a day Claims Reporting Hotline (844) 562-2720.
Claims forms:
Information Needed to Report a Claim (Word)
Information Needed to Report a Claim (PDF)
TOIRMA Claim Form 2016 (PDF)
TOIRMA Claim Form 2016 (Online)
IC 45 Form (PDF)
IC 45 Form (Online)